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1. Twin City C Away 131-129 Final


Twin City takes the win 131-129 over MCM. It was a hard fought win and we all had a blast! Watch the whole bout here: 

2. 2015 MCM Scrimmage Sneak Peek


Come and see your MCM for the first time at home for a scrimmage sneak peek against Rockford at the newly renovated and reopened  Skate N' Place Roller Rink, home of MCM on 3/7/2015. Doors open at 4.

3. Punisher B Away


See the news and highlights from this bout

4. CoMo B Away


See the news and highlights from this bout

5. Confluence Crush at Home

See the news and highlights from this bout

6. Macomb at Home


See the news and highlights from this bout

7. Bone City Rollers away


See the news and highlights from this bout


  1. 2/8  - Twin City C away

  2. 3/7 - Srimmage Sneak      Peak Rockford home

  3. 3/28 - Punisher B away

  4. 4/18 - CoMo B away

  5. 6/6  - Confluence Crush                     home

  6. 7/11 - Macomb home

  7. 8/29 Bone City Rollers away

​Bouts 2015 Season
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